Together. With time. With a plan. Keeping your natural teeth healthy. That’s what the team at the Felgner dental practice – a conservative dentistry practice in Leipzig - stands for.
Service Overview For everyone wanting to keep their teeth healthy
You want that too: health, quality of life, self-confidence and enjoyment, preferably for a lifetime? Many factors play a role here – the health of teeth and gums is particularly important.
To help you get them, you and your family need someone with knowledge and enthusiasm. The dental practice team Felgner is your partner for long-term tooth conservation and innovative dentistry.
Let us tell you about the four pillars of health.
Dentistry in Leipzig
Preserving what’s good.
Maintaining values.
Preserving teeth.
This applies to so many things at the moment and certainly to our greatest asset – health. Without it, life loses a lot of its value. Keeping your teeth healthy is the task we devote ourselves to every day with great joy and medical know-how.
Tooth preservation is the central theme of our dental practice in Leipzig.
Because healthy and beautiful teeth are the basis for health, pleasure and quality of life. Every single tooth is worth looking at and preserving – we always focus on you and your overall health.
“If your teeth are healthy, you’re healthy too. If your teeth look good, you feel good and you go through life with confidence.”
The whole team specialises in exactly this: using the many possibilities of modern dentistry for the benefit of our patients. Here we are always up-to-date with the latest information and don’t follow every trend.
Your treatment is always evidence-based, i.e. based on scientific knowledge. Your health is based on these four pillars.
- Prevention protects.
- Periodontology preserves.
- Endodontics maintains.
- Aesthetics works.

Would you like to find out more about us and our sustainable dentistry?
Please call our dental practice in Leipzig on 0341 2611577. We look forward to talking to you.
Call us
Who we are
We love what we do and we are passionate dentists. With our team, we are devoted to our profession and every day is a new day. Ours is a profession that perfectly combines technical precision and medical knowledge and never loses sight of the person.
On the contrary. For us, dentistry is more than a mouth with 32 teeth. For us, dentistry is the key to sustainable health and quality of life for our patients – at every stage of life.
Be inspired
It might sound strange at first. But we‘d like to inspire you with our dentistry methods. Why? Because the only way we can walk this path towards achieving our goal – to preserve natural and healthy teeth for as long as possible – is together.
We are the specialists in our field. But at the end of the day we’re only successful if you understand what we do and why we do it. This is the only way we can make the right decisions for your health together.
Team Introducing the Felgner dental practice team in Leipzig.
- Dr. Tatiana Felgner Dentist
- Dr. Jöran Felgner, M.Sc. Dentist
- Jessica Leicht Employed Dentist
- Kai Stephanides Employed Dentist

Career Because your future is important to us!
We want you to identify with Leipzig, with our practice and with the people here. Show us that you’re motivated and proud to be part of a practice in Leipzig. This way for our career offers.